Calem Nieuwenhof was on media duties to preview Heart of Midlothian's Premiership encounter with Celtic.

Here is everything he had to say as he discussed playing in the big games, who have been the toughest opponents, what he has learned from them and the standing ovation at Tynecastle.

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The big games keep on coming?

Yeah, they do. This week has been tough with the Old Firm either side of the derby. It’s very challenging physically and mentally, but we want to keep pushing forward, really prepare for Sunday and put our best foot forward.

Does disappointment from the Rangers loss give u extra motivation for this one?

100 per cent. The Old Firm have so much quality and are such dangerous teams. But coming off the pitch at Ibrox we were really disappointed. We looked at how we played and what we can do to improve those small parts of the game that really cost. Moving into the Celtic game we are all well aware of the dangers they pose and how we are all going to have to be on our A game if we want to stop that and give us the best chance of getting a result.

Was the Rangers defeat extra disappointing because there was an expectation that you could get a result?

We went into that game with high hopes. To be honest, Rangers played out of their skin, which is a tough challenge. The boys haven't lost any confidence from that. Looking forward we want to get back to where we were before that game and on the run we were on. If we put our foot down and play the football that we were playing before that game we can get back up to where we want to be. 

What can you take from the win at Parkhead?

The last time we played Celtic was really successful for us. We are going to have to take everything we did well in that game. I think we defended out of our skin. Everyone put their body on the line, gave 100 per cent and worked for each other. That's something we are 100 per cent going to need if we want to get a result. 

Would it be nice to be the first Hearts team to beat Celtic twice in the one season since 2011/12?

It’s something that we’d love to do. We know the challenge but if we go out there and everyone steps up, gives 100 per cent then I think it will give us the best chance.

How much do you enjoy the challenge of playing Celtic and Rangers?

I love the challenge. Celtic and Rangers are such massive clubs globally and I want to be part of these games. Obviously, the game at Ibrox was a disappointing loss but it was really good to see the quality they play at and gives us the benchmark where we want to get to. What Rangers did to us, we want to be the team that does that to other sides. It was really eye-opening to see the quality they possess and the way they press you constantly. It’s something I want to take into my own game as much as I can.

What do you learn against Lunstram, McGregor, O'Riley?

I love watching them and playing against them. With the quality they have, they are the best players I've come up against. Being on the park next to them, seeing how they carry themselves for the whole game. They all have that mentality where they don't stop for 90 minutes. They keep going at you for the whole game. That's something I've learned from them and I want to take it into my own game. Playing for Hearts, that's something we can learn from them and improve.

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Is intensity the secret to being a top midfielder?

Yeah, 100 per cent. For me, Lundstram and McGregor are the two best midfielders in the league. The quality they have, they are all over the park all the time. It's really difficult to play against but it's something I want to take into my own game. I will keep working at it and I'd love to improve and get up to that level.

You appear to be getting better with each game, how happy are you with your progress?

I've been happy. For me, it's about consistency. I've been really happy with the minutes I've got recently. I've been playing a lot of games and the team have been doing well. We are in a good spot in the league. It's just about playing the best I can to help the team get points and keep moving up the league. We are comfortably in third and hopefully, moving forward, we can close the gap between us and the Old Firm.

How did you find the standing ovation v Motherwell?

It was really good. It's good to get on the good side of the Jambos because they can be a demanding bunch. They do appreciate it when you put in a good performance. They can see when you are putting in 100 per cent and doing your best to help the team. That was really positive for me.