Craig Gordon met the media ahead of Heart of Midlothian's final game of the 2023/24 season at home to Rangers this lunchtime.

The veteran shot-stopper discussed the competition between himself and Zander Clark, why he's aiming to be more than just a squad player at the Euros, and a surprise choice for the most lethal finisher to face in training.

Here's everything he had to say:

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Are you grateful to the manager for giving you games?

I'd be more grateful if he stuck me in a few months ago to be honest! All I can do is play when I get asked and do as well as I can. It's in other people's hands so there's not a lot I can do about that. What I can do is control my training and the physical shape I am in. I feel good so it's about controlling what I can control.

Have you felt more pressure mentally?

I don't think so. It's a very different situation to anything I have faced before in my career to be in this place where I don't really know what is happening going into the summer. From my point of view and my mentality, what I think is that I can be part of that Scotland team and challenge for the number one position. I still feel I can do that. I still feel I can play at the top level and be the number one for Scotland. That is my mentality and that will never change.

Is it now about proving yourself again?

You've got to prove yourself all the time, no matter what. Whether that is coming back from injury, getting older or coming through a bad run of form. You have to continually prove yourself throughout your career. You have always, always got to prove yourself but it depends on what you are proving yourself against.

Do you have higher ambitions than just being in the Scotland squad?

Yeah, sure. I know I can do that and I think a lot of this leading up to a major championship will be on the mental side. Playing in big games and being able to produce on the big occasion. I have been lucky enough to play in lots of big games in my career and do well in them. This is taking it up a level but there's a certain amount of know-how and experience that comes with that. Hopefully, it is something taken into account but it's not in my hands. The coach will make the right decision for what the team needs.

How impressed have you been with Zander?

He's had a good season, especially in the latter months. Sort of since I came back into the first team squad he's been part of a really good team, a really settled team and defence. That is probably something that helped him and went against me as everything was so settled. It was a difficult time to make a change and he's managed to stay in the team. He's been solid and made it difficult for me.

It's a strong goalkeeping department?

I knew that when he signed that he was a good goalkeeper and that it would be a good battle. I knew it when he came in. I am looking forward to next season and getting pre-season under my belt. Coming back and seeing if I can start the season as the preferred choice and that is my focus going into next season.

Is it helpful to have that match sharpness going into the summer with a run of games?

That is preferable and it is good to have this run of games towards the end of the season. I think if I play against Rangers both me and Zander have had six games each since the beginning of March. We have shared it equally for three months which is a good position for me. You want to play a run of games. It's been good for me to have that and not just in the games, the recovery during the week and preparation to play again. That has all felt good and I know I can do that. My body has felt good and I have recovered well between games. Everything for me feels good and I am getting stronger all the time, ready to push on heading into this summer, and beyond.

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What’s it like facing Shankland in training?

He's never normally as good in training and he would tell you that himself. He seems to save it all for the weekends, which is fine! He is a great finisher, he really is. I have been lucky to play with a few brilliant finishers, Darren Bent, Leigh Griffiths, now 30 goals here at Hearts for Shanks is phenomenal. That one at St Mirren sums it up. He hooks it over his shoulder, he is off balance and still finds the target which is an incredible skill to have. Not many people have and that is why they are so hard to come by, strikers like that. Great to watch him rack up the goals and hopefully he is still here next season.

Talking about match sharpness - does facing a lethal striker in training help?

He's a good player. We have a good squad here. He is the focal point that brings it all together. Whether that is in training or small sided games, he is always there or thereabouts. Just a great player to have here.

Who is the toughest opponent to face in training?

Alan Forrest is a good finisher. Alex Cochrane scores so many more goals in training. I don't think he's scored this season. I think he must have 50 in training and none in games! So maybe he could finish the season with one in an actual game, that'd be good.