The Foundation of Hearts will reveal a new strategy ‘to reflect where we are now and what we aim to achieve in the coming years’ later this month following further consultation with its members.

In a message sent to all co-owners of Heart of Midlothian, FoH chairman Gerry Mallon explained that plenty of work has been going on behind the scenes of the organisation, centred around a fresh vision – one which has at its core every Hearts fan being a co-owner of their club’.

The new strategy – formed via feedback from FoH members – will be unveiled after some ‘final tuning by the board members’, Mallon said, adding that there will be ‘an increase in consultation with our fellow owners’.

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“Increasing the Foundation’s levels of donations to the club is also a hugely significant objective outlined in the strategy, and we have set a number of key targets on this front,” Mallon continued.

“Clearly if we can achieve our targets, the resources of the club will be greatly strengthened. That, ultimately, is what the Foundation is all about – helping to ensure that Heart of Midlothian grows, prospers, and competes at the highest level of Scottish football and beyond.”

Mallon added that two FoH projects are approaching completion. Firstly, the Foundation’s tech upgrade, which will include the launch of a new website in the coming weeks. “[The new website] will provide much-improved routes of communication, as well as a better service for owners, including the management and accessibility of pledger accounts,” Mallon said.

There has also been progress made with the ‘family pledge’ project, designed to engage young supporters and encourage them to join FoH. “This is an extremely important project, one which is aimed to ensure that the legacy which is being passed on by the current generations is picked up by the next generations,” Mallon said. “While acknowledging past achievements is rightly part of our DNA, we must increasingly look forward.”

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Elsewhere, the FoH chairman urged members to get in contact with the Foundation to provide their views on any and all matters related to the club, so that the feedback can be passed on to decision-makers at Tynecastle. He said: “We very much welcome hearing your views… we do share these views, including those expressed on the early season form of the men’s team, with the club executives who are responsible for the day-to-day running of the club. We will certainly be continuing this practice.”

Mallon concluded by noting that the Foundation’s AGM preparations are under way, with FoH looking to recruit two specialist posts, with further details being released next week.

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