The Foundation of Hearts (FoH) will hold its AGM on Thursday 14 December where two new directors with ‘specialist expertise’ will be appointed to the board, chairman Gerry Mallon has revealed.

In a message sent out to FoH members, Mallon provided details for this year’s AGM, which will be held at Tynecastle Park at 6pm. Part-owners of Heart of Midlothian will receive formal notice at least two weeks in advance of the meeting.

With two directors retiring due to rotation, the FoH will be looking for two supporters to make the step up to the Foundation’s board. While any member aged 16 or over is eligible to stand for election, Mallon has explained that there are additional criteria this year.

READ MORE: Foundation of Hearts to reveal new long-term strategy for club's owners

“In relation to both of this year’s vacancies, however, specialist expertise and experience is required – in one case in financial matters and in the other case in legal matters,” Mallon said. “The eligibility criteria have been adjusted to reflect this, and full details are given in the documentation.”

A link to the nomination form is included in the email to members, where there is also information related to key dates in the election timetable, as well as an explanatory memorandum on the process.

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