Steven Naismith spoke to the press after seeing his Heart of Midlothian side beat Motherwell 2-1 at Fir Park and jump to fourth in the Premiership.

He expressed delight at three points and the set-piece threat, discussed referee decisions and explained the James Forrest substitution decision.

READ MORE: Motherwell 1-2 Hearts instant analysis: Best player, away joys, set-piece threat

That was a big three points?

It was a big win because of our previous results. I think it is important you stop that and you get the points you need as quickly as you can. I think we did that with what was a really good performance overall.

Do you feel it could have been by a wider margin?

Yeah, it should have been. It should have been because we had a couple of more chances. It should have been because we should have had a penalty or two. But then the positive from that is when they score we defended really well in those dying moments which has been questioned with losing some quick goals back-to-back in games, that was really pleasing.

Do you think you should have had two penalties?

Liam Boyce one is a penalty for me. If the referee turns round and says there is not enough contact, 20 minutes later he can't give a foul in the middle of the park for something that has got less contact. It doesn't make sense. The second one... Ibrox we get blocked, the penalty stands. Today they are saying blocks now count. The inconsistency is what is ruining it.

Have you spoken to the referee at all?


Is that something you will bring up on Monday, about the inconsistency?

No. It's not going to change. 

Do you just have to roll with it as a manager?

You just at some point it changes and the consistency is there. Today's game is a prime example of decisions that have not been given, Boycie's penalty, and something later on the exact same in the middle of the pitch gets given. The inconsistency is a big problem.

How big can that win be for you and your players?

Yeah, it's big. We consistently say there is a demand and there is an expectation and that's not just one week and the next week it's off. It's on every week. It is pleasing the way we performed today got us that result and a big question, again, has been the away form, it's been really poor over the years. That's now four away games this season we've won. There are real positives. It is something that takes time. There have been some good moments, there are some moments you want to make better but over time you hope they get eradicated and the good stuff shines through.

What did you make of Lawrence Shankland's performance?

I think he was really good. Liam Boyce deserves a mention, he was really good as well. The midfield three were good and we defended well so overall it was a great performance. We took off Alan Forrest just because they were being more aggressive and we needed more of a defensive-minded player there. But again I thought his performance was good. All through the pitch there were really good performances. Lawrence gets the headlines because he scored the goals but he will be the first to tell you he needs his team mates to 1) create the chances and 2) defend well to get the wins and he gets the headlines.

Was Beni Baningime showing his best since his injury?

I think he has had moments. It's a long-term injury, it takes time. Not everything from Beni was perfect but the majority was really good. I think he has shown that through pre-season, it's just about the more games he plays, the more minutes he gets, the more comfortable he gets. Overall a really good performance from him, Calem [Nieuwenhof], Alex Lowry as well in the middle of the park. 

You must have been encouraged by the threat from set pieces?

It is something we have probably been disappointed with this season because we have been brilliant defensively. Our record with set pieces is good and we do a lot of work on both, offensively and defensively, and we've not capitalised enough throughout the season. We are a threat but we have to use that more often.

How do you feel about the international break? Does it suit you to play on?

It's got pros and cons. You get this win and you want to roll on. We saw after the international break before we went on a not bad run so it's important we use that time for repetition of what we want to do and how we want to do it. Today was probably the bravest we've been in terms of building up with the ball and playing with the ball which ultimately helps us. We break through teams when we are confident to do that. 

The pressure is there every week, you are going to be under as much pressure when you come back?

If you don't keep winning the pressure comes. In this job you are going to be under pressure from somebody. Even after today I'll be under pressure from somebody as well.

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